Access essential phone numbers for Obion County, TN, including the courthouse, highway department, circuit court, clerk's office, general sessions, the mayor, and other key offices serving Union City and beyond.
Ag. Extension Service
Phone: (731) 885-3742
Phone: (731) 885-1221 - Fax: (731) 885-6746
Judy Smith
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 4 -
Obion County Board of Education
Phone: (731) 885-9743
Phone: (731) 885-0211
Child Support
Phone: (731) 364-9988
Circuit Court Clerk
Denise Taylor
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 1, then 1 - Fax: (731) 885-7922 -
City Hall in Union City
Phone: (731) 885-1341
Clerk & Master
Emily Hall
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 1, then 3 -
County Attorney
Steve Conley
Phone: (731) 885-1482 -
County Clerk
Crystal Crain
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 2 -
County Mayor
Steve Carr
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 7 -
Phone: (731) 507-0999
District Attorney
Colin Johnson
Phone: (731) 884-2610 -
Driver's License
Phone: (731) 884-2133
Drug Court - West State Corrections
Phone: (731) 885-3411
Drug Task
Phone: (731) 885-0676
Leigh Schlager
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 6 - Fax: (731) 885-6280 -
EMA Director
Danny Jowers
Phone: (731) 599-4347 - Cell: (731) 446-4118 -
Craig McMainus
Phone: (731) 504-8058 -
General Sessions Office
Judge Jimmy Smith
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 1, then ext. 2 -
Habitat For Humanity
Phone: (731) 885-7126
Health Department
Michael LaChapelle
Phone: (731) 885-8722 - Fax: (731) 885-4855 -
Highway Department
Kevin Dunn
Phone: (731) 885-5960 - Fax: (731) 885-5963 -
Phone: (731) 885-0277
Judge Sammy Nailling
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 1, then ext. 4 -
Phone: (731) 885-1941
Carolina Conner
Phone: (731) 885-7000 - Fax: (731) 885-9638 -
Local Government
Phone: 800-737-1826
Phone: (731) 885-0744
Nursing Home
Phone: (731) 885-9065 - Fax: (731) 885-0669
Post Office
Phone: (731) 885-9711
Phone: (731) 885-8580
Register Of Deeds
Cheryl Reddin
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 5 -
Rescue Squad
Phone: (731) 885-6656
Section 8 Housing
Phone: (731) 410-2270 -
Senior Citizens Center
Phone: (731) 885-1246
Karl Jackson
Phone: (731) 885-5832 - Fax: (731) 885-6562 -
Solid Waste
Travis Alexander
Phone: (731) 885-8109 - Fax: (731) 885-8119 -
Tracey Westbrooks
Phone: (731) 507-0999 ext. 3 -
UC Insurance
Phone: (731) 885-5453
UC Parks & Recreation
Phone: (731) 885-0354
Veteran's Service
Harry Johnson
Phone: (731) 885-2781 - Fax: (731) 885-9970 -
911 Office
Sherri Hanna
Phone: (731) 885-3316